How to reduce image distortion?

By using a telecentric lens, it is possible to obtain images with less distortion.

I experimented with our telecentric lens RT3, RT5.


テレセントリックレンズ RT3、RT5

Attach telecentric lenses RT 3, RT 5

to a USB camera (GR 200 BCM)

テレセントリックレンズ RT3 テレセントリックレンズ RT5で撮影
shoot with
Tlecentric lens RT3
shoot with
Tlecentric lens RT5

You can see that there are no distortions in the four corners of the screen.

This is the feature of a telecentric lens.


If you are using a CCTV lens, distortion will be less when using a telephoto lens than a wide angle lens.

I tried with a fixed focus lens of 6 mm and a fixed focus lens of 25 mm.


8mm 固定焦点レンズ

Attach 8 mm fixed focus lens

to a USB camera (GR 200 BCM)

方眼紙の四隅が歪んでいる You can see that the four corners of the paper are distorted.
25mm 固定焦点レンズ

25 mm fixed focus lens

Attach a fixed focus lens to a USB camera (GR 200 BCM)

方眼紙の四隅に歪みがあまり見られません。 Distortion is not appear in the corners of the paper.


There are some with less distortion depending on the performance of the lens.

However, it is quite expensive.

Please contact us if you have any questions.