How to connect a camera to a monocular (microscope)
I would like to connect and use four USB 2.0 5-megapixel cameras simultaneously.
Is it feasible to capture images at a rate of 6 frames per second with an external trigger (a 6Hz pulse signal) on a USB 3.0 1.3-megapixel monochrome camera?
Heat resistance of USB camera
How to convert BMP file to JPEG file?
Some notes when using multiple high resolution camera with automatic visual enspection software
Some notes when using multiple camera on 1 PC
How to save images with external trigger?
How to save images with external trigger?
How to resolve “image freezes”, speed declice”? 2
How to resolve “image freezes”, speed declice”? 1
How to resolve error software?
What’s the correspondence if USB camera freezes?
How to save image which has time and date?
What’s the attention if connect USB Camera and Tablet?
What’s API, SDK?
What’s the difference between 32 bit and 64 bit?
Regarding the ports of the computer for connecting a USB 3.0 camera.
What’s video time lapse?
What is white balance (USB Camera)?
Using 16:9, 16:10 wide monitor ratio USB camera. Does the aspect ratio of the the image is match?
How to take picture with an external signal (trigger signal)?
How to connect two USB cameras and display on one screen (2 screen of USB camera)
Is there any software that you can compare while shooting pictures and real time screen?
Is there any software that displays real-time screen projected by 2 cameras on a PC?
Can you measure the still images (JPG, BMP) by MeasurePRO, MeasurePRO-Ex which taken by another company’s USB Microscope?
What should I do if I would like to do focus synthesis?
How to respond to switch icons in MeasurePRO?
Can we measure radius by MeasurePRO?
Confirmation items if the image quality is coarse (lens and lighting)
What’s the difference between 2MP, 3MP, 5MP USB Camera? What’s the advantages and disadvantages?
How to take a picture automatically every second?
How to save video by USB Camera?
Which items of software need to be checked when the image quality is coarse (in the case of a black case USB camera)?
How to prevent flickering?
How to show cross line with USB camera?