How to display the image on the PictureBox instead of another tab (using the attached SDK)

How to display the image on the PictureBox instead of another tab (using the attached SDK)?


If you use the sample program of SDK, the image will be shown in a separate window.


If you want to display in PictureBox inside Form,

Please refer to API manual page.

int iCube SDK_Start (int nCamIndex, HWND ImgHandle, bool Preview, bool Callback)

With the function above, an image is displayed on the PictureBox by using the handle of PictureBox for HWND ImgHandle.


DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PIC, m_pic);

Display the image according to the size of PictureBox:

DISP_PROPERTY disp_prop;
ICubeSDK_SetDisplayMode(nCamIndex,DISPLAY_FIT_TO_WINDOW, disp_prop);